Books & DVDs

Budgie Medicine Book by Dr. Rob Marshall
This book describes the medicines used to treat disease outbreaks and health programmes to improve breeding results and to maintain the health of the stud. The basis of Dr Rob Marshall's successful health programmes is an understanding of the breeding cycle of the wild buderigar and the wise use of medicines.
OUT OF PRINT Now available online in Clients Only Section.

Pigeon Health Book by Dr. Rob Marshall
A new, comprehensive book on pigeons released in 2012.

A Guide to Eclectus Parrots by Dr. Rob Marshall
The Guide to Eclectus Parrots has been co-written by Dr Rob Marshall and Ian Ward. It is 160 pages long and features comprehensive information on the Taxonomy of the ten Eclectus sub-species as well as a complete guide to the care of Eclectus as pets.

Canary Health by Dr. Rob Marshall
This book provides a comprehensive guide to achieving a superior level of health and happiness in both the exhibition and pet canary. 174 Pages in full colour.
Available from www.ladygouldianfinch.com or www.ladygouldian.com.

Gouldian & Finch Health by Dr. Rob Marshall
This book covers all the health issues associated with keeping Gouldians, Mutation Gouldians and mixed collections of finches.
OUT OF PRINT Now available online in Clients Only Section.

Squab Health Book by Dr. Rob Marshall
This book has been written for Squab Pigeons, but is especially successful for Show Pigeons, Backyard and Show Poultry. "Squab Health" discusses a more natural approach for producing healthy Pigeons and Poultry.
200 pages, with over 30 photographs.
See the visual effects of these food supplements and health additives on your pet bird.
Culture tested and contamination free seed that protects health.
Watch food preparation videos for fruit and seed eating pet birds.
Turbobooster now contains Lecithin and, as a result, has a smoother, more yellow appearance.
Dr Marshall and Tailai O'Brien have developed a culture tested bean mix for larger parrots to provide them with variety and a low Glycaemic Index (GI) food.