Greetings Clients of Dr Rob Marshall
The information provided in this section has been written by Dr Marshall exclusively for the benefit of his clients and their birds. It is designed to share his wealth of experience and knowledge and in doing so, improve the quality of life for all birds under his care.
In this section you will find detailed and practical information on pet birds, flock birds and more. It also contains articles and publications written by Dr Marshall including his online books "Gouldian & Finch Health" and "Budgerigar Health".
We are constantly adding new articles and information to this section so please visit as many times as you like!
We have recently revised our client login system so that you can create a unique login and password. For existing clients, please create a new login and and password and then send an email including your name, registration number and type of birds kept to robmarshall@birdhealth.com.au Once we have verified this information your membership will be approved.
Thank you for your patience during this transition to our new system.

Take a photographic tour of our state of the art clinic.
Explore our interactive touchscreen in the waiting room, with entertaining videos and photos, and important pet care information.